15 July 2011

Stuff and nonsense.

I haven't been baking much. There is so much to do and to be honest, it's hotter than hell here. We're in the height of monsoon season and we had a haboob last week! It was massive! (I'm not explaining, you'll just have to Google that one!)

  • I gave my notice at work on Monday. That felt amazing. Seriously amazing. Four more weeks of work and then I am done. 
  • We have to go through our spare bedroom this weekend. It's time to sort through the things we own and determine what is really necessary. It's amazing how quickly we accumulate things. 
  • I need to download some Neil Gaiman and Kurt Vonnegut books for my Kindle. It looks like we have five solid days of driving back east, so I'll be needing some entertainment. 
  • We need some new tunes for the ol' iPods. (Recommendations welcome!)
  • Packing. Oh holy crap. I hate this part. I hate having my life segregated in to label boxes and chucked all over the place. 
  • Address changes, turning services off, turning services on. 
  • Keeping the doggie calm. I have to make sure he's ok with the move. He's a sensitive boy. I have a feeling I'll be riding in the back seat with him most of the journey.

I guess that sums up the next six weeks or so. We are so excited... beyond excited really.

A new chapter and lots of adventure! 


  1. I'm so happy for you kids :) And, no better time to move than in time for fall... I can't wait to visit!

  2. Hooray for Neil Gaiman and Kurt Vonnegut! And for Beth and T and Dougal!
