30 May 2009

Course 2!

Course 2 has begun and is wonderful. I have flowers to take pictures of.

I know that many people take this course and then post their pictures. The cakes all look the same but I think the techniques are fantastic to launch some really creative projects, even if the course designs seem a bit pedestrian.

These classes have been a good outlet for me. I haven't felt this inspired since art school.


  1. Hi, I love your blog, I have a blog on tb craft in general and now I'm offering my readers to download the magazine found the net, http://agulhaetricot.blogspot.com, visit me, and also appears in my online shop Maison Carré by Tita, http://maisontitacarre.blogspot.com, kiss.

  2. Thats exciting! I'm glad you are inspired! Are you going to keep going through to course 3?

    I start in about a week and I am geared up for it. I have a friend who runs a catering side business who is looking for a cake lady. Hopefully if I get good enough I will be able to offer my services!

  3. I register for the 3rd course yesterday, starts July 25th!!! Then I'll take the fondant and gum paste course. After that she offers a non-Wilton six week royal icing course in which we learn 22 flowers! eeeeeee!
