10 December 2010

Recipe #50 - Rugelach

Recipe number fifty. Can you believe it? It's been such an eventful year AND I've baked 50 new recipes that I've never made before. Just two to go! Go me!

This recipe came from my favorite blog, Confections of a (Closet) Master Baker. I'm sure I've mention Mr. Bullock-Prado's blog before. If you're not following it, you should be. Her writing is fantastic and her instruction just as wonderful. On her blog, she is celebrating Cookiemas, which I must wholeheartedly endorse. It's better than any holiday ever. EVER!

So with that, I give you rugelach.The only deviation from the provided recipe I took was in the jelly/jam flavors. One of my favorite places in the world is Stonewall Kitchen. They are based out of Maine but have expanded all over New England and Maryland. I made the rugelach with their Cinnamon Apple Jelly and pistachios and then also with their Wild Maine Blueberry Jam (we gave little jars of this as part of our welcome gift for our out of town wedding guests).

I love rugelach. In New England, you could always find it in the bakery section of the grocery store. Here? Not so much. I was excited to make this as it reminded me a bit of home. Much to my pleasant surprise, this was quite unlike the rugelach I'd had before. It smells amazing when baking. It almost melts in your mouth, soft and delicious. I made them on Wednesday night, between my husband and my friends at work, they are all gone. The recipe makes 36! They are indeed a delicious treat and so pretty when arrange on a plate. Unfortunately, the plate didn't stay filled long enough for me to snap a photo!

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